Achew or not Achew

The Abrahamic Dilemma and Semitic Question

Prince S J Webber
5 min readApr 10, 2021

Conversing with a man I will call Ibraham, born and reared in the Nation State of Israel and served in its compulsory military. He came to the United States to further his education and married a Mormon woman who gave birth to 3 of his U.S. Citizen children, asserted in arrogance that: “Jesus Christ was a Jew and you lost millions Jesus’s during the Holocost.”

If Avi Ibraham’s opinion is stereotypical of most Israeli’s or most orthodox Jews, where does it leave as Christians? Was Jesus a Jew? A derogatory pejorative similar to the that of: “Nigger (The History of a Troublesome Word,” by: Randall Kennedy of Harvard Law School 2002)?” The Biblical term is “Israel” not “Jew.” Many people seem to forget that time, place and circumstances change and what we have acceptedly called people, places and things from times immemorial are no longer the same things anymore.

“According to the biblical Book of Genesis the patriarch Jacob was given the name Israel (Hebrew: יִשְׂרָאֵל‎, Standard Yisraʾel Tiberian Yiśrāʾēl) after he wrestled with the angel (Genesis 32:28 and 35:10). The given name is already attested in Eblaite (𒅖𒊏𒅋, išrail) and Ugaritic (𐎊𐎌𐎗𐎛𐎍, yšrʾil). Commentators differ on the original literal interpretation. The text of Genesis etymologizes the name with the root śarah “to rule, contend, have power, prevail over”: שָׂרִיתָ עִם־אֱלֹהִים ‎ (KJV: “a prince hast thou power with God”), but modern suggestions read the el as the subject, for a translation of “El/God rules/judges/struggles”, “El fights/struggles”(Wikipedia).

Therefore, the names, places and peoples are not the same is the “rational explanation” as argument. The “Tribes of Israel” were conquered by numerous world powers throughout the Tanakh. Only after the Roman occupation, control and by this point in time and juncture did every single person who practiced the “religion” at Jerusalem’s temple mount became considered and called a “Jew” regardless?

But the biblical references do reflect a tribal nation spilt 2 to 10 under Solomonic rule. Some believe that the two tribe kingdom was called “Judah” and the 10 tribe kingdom, “Israel” if this is true than the “Israelites” are not “Jews” right?” Abraham was not a “Jew” he was a “Chaldean” from the “far east.” His descendants via numerous occupations like the “sands of the sea shore,” (Genesis 17:5). He had three wives: Sarah, Hagar and Keturah. This is enough “cannon fodder” for any family court and estate planning today.

Abraham via Sarah had Isaac and the rival Ishmael from his Egyptian Princess Hagar (Genesis 16:3 and 25:17) were called “Midianites” later “Arabs” or “Bedouins.” Similarly, Isaac via Rebecca came Jacob who became “Israel” and his descendants were called “Hebrews” in Egypt. They were later known as “Israelites” once they became a nation.

I noted that even in the “genealogy of Jesus Christ” (Matthew 1:1–17 and Luke 3:23–38) despite the patriarchal system, four woman are distinctly referenced: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and Bathsheba because none of them were “of Abraham’s seed,” (Genesis 17:5) with the exception of “Ruth” the others were considered “prostitutes” or “promiscuous women of ill repute and sounding in racial overtones if not an Israelite woman. (See: Samaritan woman at Luke 4:1–29) Like Rahab from Jericho or Mary who washed Jesus’ feet at the home of a “Pharisee” (Luke 7:36-38) unless they married someone reputable like “Boaz.” Which begs the question, what was a “prostitute” doing at a pious “Pharisees’ or religious cleric’s home?

Maybe that is the reason many “Jews” don’t accept “Rabbi Yeshua” as the “Messiah.” He had the wrong people in his family tree. The “Anointed One” had to have “to come from a reputable family.” I have even read in an “english translation of the Torah that “Rebecca objected to Esau’s marriage to a “Canaanite girl” (Genesis 36:2) because she was ‘too dark.’ and made sure to send “Jacob to his people” where he met “Rachel.” (See also; woman who touched Jesus from behind (at Matthew 9:20–22) something “good girls” most certainly would never do….especially not to a rabbi. Jesus Christ !!! (Emphasis mine).

Under the Mosaic traditions unmarried woman were not allowed to have sexual relations outside of marriage. It was not tolerated. Those considered “promiscuous” or shamed were either put to death by stoning (adultery) or forced into marriage. The word “prostitute” doesn’t apply, but by today’s Eurocentric values and terminology, a price tag is involved and under the more liberal and earlier definited terms all women who engage in sexual promiscuity regardless of age are “prostitutes,” or “whores?” This only means that someone misrepresents the phraseology or language for values that did not exists at that particular time and place but took liberty or license to substitute their own language or beliefs in its place.

Another term used is “illegitimate child” or “bastard” doesn’t apply either; for any child born of unwed parents. This is Eurocentric language because all men claimed their children regardless of wife’s or concubine’s status. “Illegitimate children” or “bastards” are products of incestuous relationships only, see: Leviticus 18:7–18 and 20:11–21).

Being a member of the Judiac faith has no basis in being Semetic, or a descendant of the biblical Abraham any more.

Proselytizing is common in all religious forms, but very seldom does the disciple affect so much change as to rearrange or dominate the very structure of dogma belonging to the faith itself. Such a practice is called apostasy or a sect. Now there are more than just “Hasidic” or “Ashkenazi” Jews?

In modern day Christianity the belief in Jesus Christ as God prevails, despite conflicting and contrary beliefs in his mortality and subsequent immortality; Belief in immortality of the soul which contradicts its resurrection (Saducees) or supports the biblical serpents words to Eve “you positively will not die…” contradicting God. (Gen 3:1–5) They celebrate Christ resurrection from the dead on the 3rd day, but belief he sacrificed his life for our sins, but not really because he didn’t really die because he’s immortal right? While Jesus and his father are the same personage? A God who can die, but can resurrect himself back to life. The belief in his immortality invoking Paul to write:

They exchanged the Truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created thing(s) rather than the Creator — who is forever praised. Amen.” (Romans 1:25).

A mortal and created god with a father and a mother with brothers and sisters, all earthly being ‘worshiped’ instead of the “Creator — who is forever praised. Amen.” The prophesy of Malachi 4:1

“Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the Lord Almighty. “Not a root or a branch will be left to them…”

My final question as a matter of prophesy is 1914?

